While the District Attorney’s Office seeks to hold offenders accountable and protect the community, we also recognize the long-term impact that a criminal conviction can have on a person’s ability to secure employment and housing. When someone who has distanced themselves from the mistakes of their past is unable to find a job or a home, our community is not made more safe. That is why the District Attorney’s Office regularly participates in expunction clinics and supports expungement efforts for those who have demonstrated years of law abidingness.
North Carolina law allows people to remove certain charges or convictions from their record in a process known as expunction or expungement. State statutes identify the criteria that must be met to qualify for expunction. A petition must be filed in the jurisdiction where the conviction occurred. Additional information, including frequently asked questions and eligibility requirements, is available from the N.C. Judicial Branch and the University of North Carolina School of Government.

Anyone seeking such action must provide a copy of their petition for expunction to the District Attorney’s Office, however, expunctions are not approved or denied by this office. A judge and the State Bureau of Investigation determine whether someone is eligible for an expungement. There are organizations that may be able to assist individuals with the process. Necessary forms are also available at the Mecklenburg County Courthouse’s SelfServe Center.